by Rosemary Phillis
The answer depends on what sort of egg you are talking about. In this case it could be anything, a car, a truck a motorbike… Intrigued? So was I.
On 27 June 2012 The Rouse Hill Times ran an article about the official opening of an “egg” in the industrial area of Riverstone. I was recently able to tour the egg and find out more about this interesting business located in the industrial area of Riverstone.
The egg is actually a large photographic studio known as a cyclorama. It measures 12 metres by 17 metres with a ceiling height of 4.8 metres, (high enough to accommodate a double decker bus). It does not contain distinct edges. Where the walls, floor and ceiling meet are all curved, giving it an egg shape and hence its name.
The curved design allows photos to be taken of objects without reflection or shadows. With specific lighting you can enhance certain features on a vehicle. As a result it is a popular studio for photographers to take photos or videos of vehicles for advertising campaigns.
The egg is the biggest cyclorama in the Sydney area. Photographers can hire the Good Egg Studio (its official name) to take studio photos or they can arrange for the photos to be taken for them.
Warren Kirby, along with Paul Pearson operate the egg. A former Riverstone High School student, Warren has years of experience in the photographic industry. He started out as a cadet photographer with The Australian newspaper, followed by time as a photographer with a public relations firm before going freelance. Warren also operates Newsdesk Media, a business which specialises in public relations and corporate imagery.
Work can take Warren anywhere. During his career he’s worked in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Germany, England, Japan, Thailand, East Timor, New Zealand, USA and almost every corner of Australia.
Next time you are looking at a studio image of a car – from advertising to Street Machine magazine, just think, it might have been taken inside an egg at Riverstone.